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Survei VHT-S, HD, HKD, HKB, HPB and HPG September 2015
Survei VHT-S, HD, HKD, HKB, HPB and HPG September 2015
September 1, 2015 | BPS Activities
Survey VHT-S, HD, HK and HP-G September 2015 is a monthly survey conducted by the distribution section every 1 to 15.
Survey VHT-S in February 2015 aims to determine the occupancy rate of star and non-star hotel as well as the average length of stay of both foreign and domestic in the period in January 2015.
HD and HKD survey aims to calculate the exchange rate and inflation rural farmers.
HKB berutujuan survey to find out the price of foodstuffs and non-food at the consumer level.
HP-B survey aims to record prices in big trade.
Surveys HP-G aims to secure a farm gate price by HPP as well as an early warning system (early warning system) for the relevant government institutions to anticipate the drop in the price of grain that is detrimental to agricultural producers.