Bali in December 2016 exports amounted to US $ 41,464,345, and imports amounted to US $ 9,491,910 Bali - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tabanan Regency

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Bali in December 2016 exports amounted to US $ 41,464,345, and imports amounted to US $ 9,491,910 Bali

Release Date : February 13, 2017
File Size : 0.49 MB


  • The value of exports of goods from the Province of Bali which is sent via several ports in Indonesia in December 2016 reached US $ 41,464,345. This figure decreased by 6.20 percent compared to the export value in November 2016, which reached US $ 44,205,729. Meanwhile, the achievements recorded in December 2016 also decreased by 1.67 percent from the same month the condition of the previous year, of which exports reached US $ 42,167,747.
  • The value of imports of Bali Province in December 2016 reached US $ 9,491,910. This figure decreased by 24.44 percent compared to the situation in December 2015 where imports reached US $ 12,562,534. When compared with the previous month in which imports amounted to US $ 21,464,771, the achievements of this month recorded a decrease of 55.78 percent.
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