Production of Small Micro Enterprises of Bali Province in the first Quarter of 2017 experienced a positive growth - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tabanan Regency

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Production of Small Micro Enterprises of Bali Province in the first Quarter of 2017 experienced a positive growth

Release Date : May 2, 2017
File Size : 0.46 MB


  • Production of Small Micro Enterprises of Bali Province the first Quarter of 2017 experienced a positive growth of 5.60 percent on quarterly basis (quarter to quarter / q-to-q) when compared to Quarter IV of 2016. The achievement of IMK Bali growth was above National growth of 2.44 percent in the same period.
  • When viewed on a year-on-year basis, IMK Bali in the first quarter of 2017 grew positively by 12.69 percent compared to the same quarter of last year. Even the growth rate of IMK Bali in this quarter is much higher than the national figure which reached 6.63 percent.
  • Meanwhile, the production of IBS Bali company / business in the first Quarter of 2017 (q-to-q) grew negatively by minus 0.14 percent or below the national growth which grew positively by 0.86 percent in the period same.
  • When viewed annually (year on year / y-on-y), the production produced by IBS Bali business in the first quarter of 2017 grew 0.66 percent, but still below the national level which grew by 4.33 percent.
  • Badan Pusat Statistik

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