Exports of Bali Province Goods Reached US$ 50.841.335 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tabanan Regency

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Exports of Bali Province Goods Reached US$ 50.841.335

Release Date : July 3, 2017
File Size : 0.47 MB


  • The export value of goods originating from Bali Province sent through several ports in Indonesia in May 2017 reached US $ 50,841,335. This figure increased by 26.84 percent compared to April 2017 export value which reached US $ 40,082,740. Meanwhile, the achievement in May 2017 also recorded an increase of 22.04 percent from the condition of the same month the previous year, where exports reached US $ 41,660,760.
  • The import value of Bali Province in May 2017 reached US $ 10,834,335. This number has increased by 51.20 percent compared with the situation in May 2016 where imports reached US $ 7,165,410. When compared with the previous month where imports amounted to US $ 8,879,802, this month's achievement also recorded an increase of 22.01 percent.
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