March 2018, the number of international airplane departures rose 5.59 percent compared to the previous month. - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tabanan Regency

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March 2018, the number of international airplane departures rose 5.59 percent compared to the previous month.

Release Date : May 2, 2018
File Size : 0.69 MB


March 2018, the number of international airplane departures from I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport reached 2,929 flight units or increased 5.59 percent compared to the previous month (m to m) which reached 2,774 units. The number of international flight passengers in the same period (m to m) increased by 6.39 percent, from 459,394 people in February 2018 to 488,730 people in March 2018. In line with airplane passengers, the number of luggage and international air freight as well experienced an increase (m to m) of 13.93 percent, ie from 6.76 million tons to 7.7 million tons.
For domestic air transport, the number of aircraft departing from I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport in March 2018 was 3,520 flight units, up 7.42 percent compared to the previous month (m to m) of 3,277 flight units. The number of passengers recorded reached 426,854 people or increased by 6.20 percent compared to the previous month (m to m) which reached 401,929 people. The number of baggage and goods also increased by 6.99 percent from 4.05 million tons in February 2018 to 4.3 million tons in March 2018 (m to m).
For sea freight, the number of passengers departing through several ports in Bali Province in March 2018 was recorded as many as 227,462 people. This number is up 16.56 percent compared to the state of the previous month (m to m) which reached 195,151 people. While the different conditions are shown for the transport of goods in the same period and transportation mode was recorded to reach 15,118 tons, or decreased by 9.69 percent compared to the previous month (m to m) which recorded 16,739 tons.
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