The Open Unemployment Rate (TPT) in Bali in August 2018 reached 1.37 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tabanan Regency

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The Open Unemployment Rate (TPT) in Bali in August 2018 reached 1.37 percent

Release Date : November 5, 2018
File Size : 0.47 MB


The total working age population in Bali Province in August 2018 reached 3,288,908 people. Of the working age population, 76.78 percent (2,525,355 people) are the workforce and 23.22 percent (763,563 people) are not the workforce.
The work force in August 2018 increased by 90,905 people (3.73 percent) compared to the workforce in August 2017 (2,434,450 people) or reduced by 81,933 people (3.14 percent) compared to the February 2018 workforce (2,607,288 people).
 The number of people working in Bali in August 2018 reached 2,490,870 people, an increase of 92,563 people (3.86 percent) compared to the status of August 2017 (2,398,307) or a decrease of 94,073 people (3.64 percent) compared to February 2018 (2,584,943 people) )
The Open Unemployment Rate (TPT) in Bali Province in August 2018 reached 1.37 percent, decreased by 0.11 points compared to the TPT in August 2017 (1.48 percent) or increased by 0.51 points compared to the TPT in February 2018 (0.86 percent)
The August 2018 Labor Force Participation Rate reached 76.78 percent, up 1.54 points compared to August 2017 (75.24 percent) or down 3.05 points compared to February 2018 (79.83 percent).
In August 2018, the number of people working in the formal sector reached 50.37 percent, consisting of workers with status as laborers / employees reaching 45.96 percent and workers with status as assisted by permanent / paid workers reaching 4.41 percent. While the population working in the informal sector reached 49.63 percent, consisting of self-employed 14.03 percent, trying to be assisted by temporary workers 16.32 percent, free agricultural workers 3.01 percent, 4.50 percent non-agricultural free workers and workers family of 11.78 percent.
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