Development of Exports and Imports in January 2019 Province of Bali - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tabanan Regency

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Development of Exports and Imports in January 2019 Province of Bali

Release Date : March 1, 2019
File Size : 0.76 MB


Starting in 2019, the export value of Bali Province's goods in January 2019 sent through several ports in Indonesia was recorded at US $ 50,013,245. This figure has decreased by -10.59 percent compared to the export value in December 2018 (m-to-m) which reached US $ 55,935,325. Meanwhile, achievements in January 2019 recorded an increase of 0.63 percent from the same month the previous year (y-on-y) which reached US $ 49,701,521.


Most exports in January 2019 were directed to the United States (28.60 percent), Singapore (7.76 percent), China (7.42 percent), Australia (7.08 percent), and Japan (6.67 percent) .


The five main commodities exported in January 2019 include fish and shrimp products (27.41 percent), non-knit apparel products (14.84 percent), jewelery / jewelery products (13.00 percent), wood products, goods from wood (7.45 percent), and furniture products, home lighting (5.17 percent).



January 2019, the import value of Bali Province reaches US $ 20,236,594. This figure has increased by 18.16 percent compared to the situation in December 2018 (m-to-m) which was recorded at US $ 17,126,332. This month's achievements recorded an increase of 161.94 percent when compared to the same month the previous year (y-on-y) which reached US $ 7,725,664.

Most imports in January 2019 were recorded as coming from the United States (25.24 percent), China (20.78 percent), Hong Kong (18.49 percent), Australia (7.11 percent), and Singapore (5.91 percent ).

 The main commodities imported in January 2019 include machinery and mechanical equipment products (16.04 percent), toy products (13.97 percent), bell products, watches and parts (12.67 percent), machinery products and electrical equipment ( 7.39 percent), and leather goods products (7.18 percent).
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