Bali Province Tourism Development April 2019 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tabanan Regency

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Bali Province Tourism Development April 2019

Release Date : June 10, 2019
File Size : 0.55 MB


The arrival of foreign tourists (tourists) to the Province of Bali in April 2019 was recorded reaching 476,327 visits, through the airport as many as 476,160 visits, and through the seaport as many as 167 visits. The number of tourists to Bali Province in April 2019 rose as high as 5.94 percent compared to the previous month (m to m). When compared to April 2018 (y on y), the number of tourists to Bali Province was recorded to have decreased as deep - 7.83 percent.



According to nationality, foreign tourists who most come to Bali in April 2019 are tourists with Chinese nationality (19.78 percent), Australia (18.95 percent), India (5.34 percent), Great Britain (5.14 percent) and United States (4.65 percent).



Room occupancy rate (TPK) of starred hotels in April 2019 was recorded at 60.33 percent, up 4.90 points compared to the previous month (m to m) and recorded a decrease of -3.20 points compared to April 2018 (y on y) . The average length of stay of guests at star-rated hotels in Bali in April 2019 is recorded as men
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