In June 2019 Singaraja City recorded an inflation of 0.02 percent with the Consumer Price Index (CPI 2012 = 100) of 144.11. The calendar year inflation rate was 1.29 percent and the year-on-year inflation rate (June 2019 against June 2018 or YoY) was 2.11 percent.
Inflation (m to m) is indicated by an increase in the index in four expenditure groups namely group IV (clothing) by 0.46 percent; group II (prepared food, beverages, cigarettes and tobacco) by 0.20 percent; group V (health) by 0.06 percent and group III (housing, water, electricity and fuel) by 0.01 percent. While the groups that recorded a decrease in index or deflation were group VII (transport, communication and financial services) by -0.18 percent; group VI (education, recreation and sports) by -0.08 percent and group I (food) by -0.08 percent.
Commodities recorded contributing or contributing to inflation in June 2019 include: cassava, wet shrimp, squid, spinach, snacks / snacks, vegetable tomatoes, bananas, fried chicken, apples, potatoes and instant dry noodles.
From 82 CPI cities, 76 cities experienced inflation and 6 cities experienced deflation. The highest inflation was recorded in Manado (North Sulawesi) at 3.60 percent and the lowest in Singaraja (Bali) at 0.02 percent. The deepest deflation was recorded in Tanjung Pandan (Bangka Belitung Islands) by -0.41 percent and the shallowest was recorded in Jayapura (Papua) by -0.08 percent. If ranked from the highest inflation, then Singaraja ranks 76th out of 76 cities experiencing inflation.