Development of Bali Province Air and Sea Transportation in May 2019 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tabanan Regency

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Development of Bali Province Air and Sea Transportation in May 2019

Release Date : July 1, 2019
File Size : 0.69 MB


In May 2019, the number of international air transport planes departing from I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport was recorded at 3,057 flight units. This figure is recorded an increase compared to the previous month (m to m) which reached 2,947 flight units, or an increase of 3.73 percent. The same condition occurred in the departure of recorded international flight passengers as high as 6.53 percent (m to m), from 538,531 people in April 2019 to 573,692 people in May 2019. For departures the number of baggage and international air transport goods also increased compared to the previous month (m to m) by 3.77 percent, from 10.57 million tons to 10.97 million tons.

The departure of domestic air transport aircraft from I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport in May 2019 was recorded at 2,951 units of flights, or decreased -11.30 percent compared to the previous month (m to m) which reached 3,327 units of flights. Of the ten main destinations of domestic departure, the deepest percentage reduction was recorded on domestic air transportation flights to Bandung, which dropped as deep as -18.60 percent. Compared to May 2018 (yo y), the number of domestic airplane flight departures also decreased by -19.57 percent.

The number of sea transportation departing from a number of ports in Bali Province in May 2019 was recorded at 8,685 ships. When compared to April 2019 (m to m), an increase in the number of departures reached 92.36 percent from the previous month which was recorded at 4,515 units. The number of sea transport passengers departing through several ports in Bali Province in May 2019 was recorded at 316,159 people. This number shows an increase of 20.75 percent compared to the previous month (m to m) which was recorded at 261,823 people.
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