Development of Bali Province Export Import in November 2019 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tabanan Regency

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Development of Bali Province Export Import in November 2019

Release Date : January 2, 2020
File Size : 1.33 MB


The export of goods from Bali Province abroad in November 2019 was recorded at US $ 51,016,660, down by -13.63 percent compared to October 2019 (m-t-m). Meanwhile, the value of Bali Province imports of goods from abroad in November 2019 was recorded at US $ 23,506,057, which also decreased more shallowly to -4.30 percent (m-t-m). The trade balance of Bali Province in November 2019 was a surplus of US $ 27,510,603, in contrast to the trade balance in November 2018 which was a deficit of -US $ 17,884,972.

Fish and shrimp commodities still dominate the export of Bali Province abroad with an export value of US $ 14,779,836 in November 2019 which is predominantly exported to the United States. Meanwhile, electrical machinery and equipment were the main import commodities for Bali Province in November 2019 with a value of US $ 5,165,690, which was predominantly imported from Hong Kong.

The cumulative export of goods from the Province of Bali for the January-November 2019 period was recorded at US $ 545,817,493, an increase of 1.10 percent compared to January-November 2018 (y-on-y). Meanwhile, the cumulative imports of Bali Province for the period January - November 2019 were recorded at US $ 243,954,624, down by -1.67 percent compared to the same period in 2018 (y-o-y) which was recorded at US $ 248,101,189
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