Development of Air and Sea Transportation in Bali Province January 2020 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tabanan Regency

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Development of Air and Sea Transportation in Bali Province January 2020

Release Date : March 2, 2020
File Size : 0.84 MB


January 2020, the number of international air transport flights was recorded to have increased by 4.15 percent compared to December 2019 (m-t-m). This condition was followed by an increase in the number of passengers which also increased by 14.68 percent, even the number of passengers increased by 18.23 percent when compared to conditions in January 2019 (y-o-y).

The highest increase in international air transport flights was recorded for the destination of China, namely 16.49 percent, followed by Hong Kong with 8.74 percent (m-t-m). However, when viewed from the number of passengers, the number of passengers destined for Australia was recorded to have the highest increase (33.01 percent).

The number of domestic air transport flights in January 2020 was recorded to have decreased by -4.99 percent compared to December 2019 (m-t-m), however, the number of passengers actually increased by 0.68 percent.

The deepest reduction in the number of domestic air transport flights was recorded at Ujung Pandang as deep as -9.49 percent. However, the deepest decline in domestic passengers was recorded at Labuhan Bajo destinations (25.41 percent).
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