Development of Air and Sea Transportation in Bali Province February 2020 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tabanan Regency

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Development of Air and Sea Transportation in Bali Province February 2020

Release Date : April 1, 2020
File Size : 0.67 MB


International Air Freight

February 2020, the number of international air transport flights was recorded to have decreased by -22.22 percent compared to January 2020 (m-t-m). This condition was followed by the number of passengers which also fell by -33.58 percent, and when compared to the conditions in February 2019 (y-o-y) it fell by -14.95 percent.

Flights to China fell the sharpest by -94.25 percent, from 452 flights in January 2020 to only 26 flights in February 2020. The other ten main destinations for international flights in February 2020 from I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport, Hong Kong destinations were recorded to have dropped the most. in (-37.50 percent).

Domestic Air Transport

The number of domestic air transport flights in February 2020 was recorded to have decreased by -11.46 percent compared to January 2020 (m-t-m), as well as the number of passengers which also fell by -23.46 percent.

Compared to January 2020, the deepest decrease in the number of domestic air transport flights was recorded at the Labuhan Bajo destination as deep as -25.30 percent. However, the deepest decline in domestic passengers was recorded at the Jkt / Halim Pk destination (-30.32 percent).
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