In March 2020, Singaraja City experienced inflation as high as 0.15 percent with the Consumer Price Index (CPI 2018 = 100) of 105.22. The inflation rate for the calendar year March 2020 is as high as 1.53 percent. Meanwhile, the year-on-year inflation rate (March 2020 against March 2019 or YoY) was recorded as high as 3.69 percent.
Six expenditure groups recorded inflation (m to m), namely group II (clothing and footwear) as high as 1.49 percent; group IV (equipment, tools, and household routine maintenance) as high as 1.07 percent; group V (health) as high as 0.92 percent; group XI (personal care and other services) as high as 0.63 percent; Group VIII (recreation, sports, and culture as high as 0.39 percent; and group VI (transportation) as high as 0.06 percent.Meanwhile, three expenditure groups recorded deflation, namely group I (food, drinks, and tobacco) as deep as -0 , 23 percent; group VII (information, communication and financial services) as deep as -0.07 percent; and group III (housing, water, electricity, gas, and other fuels) as deep as -0.07 percent. For group IX ( education) and group X (provision of food and beverages / restaurants) recorded that the index did not change or was stagnant.
Commodities recorded as contributing to or contributing to inflation in March 2020 include laundry costs, eggs, eggplant, cooking oil, kale, canang sari, tuna, bean sprouts, specialist doctor rates and gold jewelery.
Of the 90 CPI cities, 43 cities experienced inflation and 47 cities experienced deflation. The highest inflation was recorded in Kota Lhokseumawe (Aceh) as high as 0.64 percent, while the lowest inflation was recorded in three cities, namely Surabaya City (East Java), Surakarta City (Central Java) and Pekanbaru City (Riau) with 0.01 percent each. Meanwhile, the deepest deflation was recorded in the City of Timika (Papua) at -1.91 percent, while the lowest deflation was recorded in Kota Tangerang (Banten) at -0.01 percent. If sorted from highest inflation, Singaraja ranks 21 out of 43 cities experiencing inflation.