Export and Import Development of Bali Province May 2022 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tabanan Regency

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Export and Import Development of Bali Province May 2022

Release Date : July 1, 2022
File Size : 7.03 MB



In May 2022, the value of Bali's exports of goods to foreign countries decreased by 21.27 percent (m-t-m), from US$ 60,658,805 in April 2022 to US$ 47,759,366 in May 2022. When compared to May 2021 (y-o-y), Bali's export value in May 2022 recorded an increase of 25.18 percent.

Of the top 5 export destinations for Bali in May 2022, the value of exports to Japan fell the most month to month (-43.69 percent). This decrease was mainly due to lower exports of fish, crustacean and mollusc products (HS 03).

The cumulative export value in the January-May 2022 period was recorded at US$ 249,491,918, up 21.61 percent compared to the same period in the previous year.


Contrary to Bali's exports, the import performance of Bali Province in May 2022 showed an increase. The import value of Bali Province goods from abroad in May 2022 was recorded at US$ 6,268,119, an increase of 85.36 percent compared to April 2022 (m-t-m) which was recorded at US$ 3,381,631. On a year on year basis, the import value of Bali Province in May 2022 was recorded to have increased as high as 160.27 percent.

Of the top 5 import origin countries in May 2022, the value of imports from Hong Kong recorded the highest increase on a month-to-month basis (297.89 percent), which was mainly due to increased imports of machinery and electrical equipment and parts thereof (HS 85).

Cumulatively, the import value in the January-May 2022 period was recorded at US$ 18,278,580, down 5.51 percent compared to the same period the previous year.
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