Bali's Human Development Index (IPM) 2022 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tabanan Regency

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Bali's Human Development Index (IPM) 2022

Bali's Human Development Index (IPM) 2022Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : December 1, 2022
File Size : 3.67 MB


In 2022, human development in the Province of Bali is recorded to have increased compared to the previous year. This can be seen from the Human Development Index (IPM) which this year was recorded at 76.44 or grew 0.99 percent (an increase of 0.75 points) compared to the achievements in 2021.

From the dimensions of longevity and healthy living, babies born in 2022 have the hope of being able to live up to 72.60 years, 0.36 years longer than babies born in the previous year.

From the knowledge dimension, in 2022 it is hoped that children aged 7 and over will be able to enjoy 13.48 years of education or almost the equivalent length of time to complete Diploma I level education or second semester at the university level. This figure increased by 0.08 years compared to the previous year which reached 13.40 years. The average length of schooling for residents aged 25 and over has also increased by 0.33 years, from 9.06 years in 2021 to 9.39 years in 2022.

Likewise, from the dimension of a decent standard of living as measured based on the average real expenditure per capita, this year also experienced an increase compared to the previous year. The average real expenditure per capita (adjusted) in 2022 was recorded at 13.94 million rupiahs per year or an increase of 122 thousand rupiahs compared to 2021.
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