Development of Bali Province Tourism November 2022 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tabanan Regency

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Development of Bali Province Tourism November 2022

Release Date : January 2, 2023
File Size : 5.89 MB


Foreign tourists (tourists) who came directly to Bali Province in November 2022 recorded 287,398 visits, down 5.85 percent compared to the previous month period which recorded 305,244 visits. Tourists from Australia dominate foreign tourist arrivals to Bali in November 2022 with a share of 25.44 percent.

The Room Occupancy Rate (TPK) for star hotels in November 2022 was recorded at 48.91 percent, up as high as 2.63 points when compared to October 2022. When compared to November 2021 (y-o-y), which reached 20.67 percent, the occupancy rate rooms in November 2022 recorded an increase of 28.24 points. Meanwhile, the TPK for non-star hotels was recorded at 23.31 percent, up 0.33 points compared to October 2022.

The average length of stay of foreign and domestic guests at star hotels in Bali in November 2022 was recorded at 2.51 days, an increase of 0.08 points compared to the achievement in October 2022 (m-t-m) which was recorded at 2.43 days. When compared to the achievements in November 2021 (y-o-y) which were recorded at 1.84 days, the average length of stay for November 2022 increased by 0.67 points. Meanwhile, for non-star hotels, the average length of stay in November 2022 was recorded at 2.19 days, up 0.11 points compared to October 2022 which was recorded at 2.08 days.

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