Bali Province Export and Import Development August 2023 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tabanan Regency

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Bali Province Export and Import Development August 2023

Release Date : October 2, 2023
File Size : 5.71 MB



In August 2023, the value of Bali Province's exports of goods abroad was recorded to have decreased by 7.22 percent month to month (m-t-m), from US$ 47,804,261 in July 2023 to US$ 44,352,250 in August 2023. When compared with August 2022 year on year (y-o-y), Bali's export value in August 2023 was also recorded to have decreased by 12.70 percent.

Of the top 5 export destination countries for Bali in August 2023, the value of exports to Japan was recorded to have decreased by 16.50 percent (m-t-m). This decline was mainly due to the decline in exports of fish, crustaceans and mollusk products (HS 03).

The cumulative export value in the January-August 2023 period was recorded at US$376,685,364, down 5.85 percent compared to the same period in the previous year.


In the opposite direction to exports, Bali Province's import performance in August 2023 actually showed an increase. The value of Bali Province imports of goods from abroad in August 2023 was recorded at US$ 11,376,732, an increase of 6.67 percent compared to July 2023 (m-t-m) which was recorded at US$ 10,665,141.

On a year-on-year basis, the import value of Bali Province in August 2023 was also recorded to have increased by 31.64 percent.

Of the top 5 countries of import origin in August 2023, the value of imports from Singapore recorded the highest increase month to month, namely 161.87 percent, which was mainly due to the increase in imports of mineral fuel products (HS 27).

Cumulatively, the import value in the January-August 2023 period was recorded at US$ 80,468,186, an increase of 75.51 percent compared to the previous year's period.
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