Development of Air and Sea Transportation in Bali Province March 2024 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tabanan Regency

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Development of Air and Sea Transportation in Bali Province March 2024

Release Date : May 2, 2024
File Size : 6.16 MB


The number of international flights departing from Bali in March 2024 was recorded at 2,787 flights, an increase of 0.91 percent compared to the previous month (2,762 flights). In terms of passengers, there were 486,796 people who departed abroad from Bali's Ngurah Rai Airport, or a decrease of 1.04 percent compared to the previous month's conditions.

The number of domestic flights was recorded at 2,367 flights, down 12.07 percent compared to the previous month (2,692 flights). The number of domestic passengers departing was recorded at 302,332 people, or down 14.99 percent compared to the previous month.

Cumulatively from January to March 2024, the number of international departure flights will be 8,584 flights, while domestic flights will be 8,053 flights.

The number of ship departures from Bali Province in March 2024 was recorded at 6,575 ships, down 8.07 percent compared to February 2024 which was recorded at 7,152 ships.

The number of ship passengers departing from ports in Bali in March 2024 was recorded at 290,310 passengers, down 23.24 percent compared to the previous month when there were 378,184 passengers.

Meanwhile, the number of goods transported through ports in Bali in March 2024 was recorded at 55,700 tonnes, down 0.06 percent from the previous month's conditions.
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