To get BPS data please come to Tabanan BPS Integrated Services Statistics on Jl. Pahlawan no. 1B, Subdistrict Tabanan every weekday from 07:30 till 15:30 pm
Pengumuman Rekrutmen Petugas ST2023 Kabupaten Tabanan dapat diakses pada link berikut:
labor force in February 2024 was recorded at 2.71 million people. In
the same period, TPAK increased by 0.18 percentage points to 77.37%.
February 2024, the number of working people was 2.66 million people, an
increase of 37.99 thousand people compared to conditions in February
2023. The employment opportunities that experienced the biggest increase
were the provision of accommodation and food and drink, which increased
by 59.79 thousand people. Meanwhile, the sector with the largest
decline was Other Services, which decreased by 41.05 thousand people.
total of 1.32 million people (49.66%) worked in formal activities, an
increase of 4.16 percentage points compared to February 2023.
in Bali in February 2024 are still dominated by workers with elementary
school education or below with a percentage of 29.99% (798.53 thousand
people). Compared with February 2023, the percentage of underemployed
people fell by 0.48 percentage points to 2.10%, while the percentage of
part-time workers was 26.85% (up 0.78 percentage points).
Bali Province Open Unemployment Rate (TPT) in February 2024 was 1.87%,
down 1.86 percentage points compared to February 2023.