Gross Regional Domestic Product of Tabanan Regency by Expenditures 2019-2023 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tabanan Regency

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Pengumuman Rekrutmen Petugas ST2023 Kabupaten Tabanan dapat diakses pada link berikut:

Gross Regional Domestic Product of Tabanan Regency by Expenditures 2019-2023

Catalog Number : 9302023.5102
Publication Number : 51020.24003
ISSN/ISBN : 9786021359884
Publishing Frequency : Annually
Release Date : April 30, 2024
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 5.64 MB


This publication displays data on the Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) of Tabanan Regency which is calculated using the expenditure approach for 2019-2023. This publication specifically discusses GRDP according to the final expenditure/demand approach. This approach is broken down into several components, namely: Household Consumption, Consumption of Non-Profit Institutions Serving Households, Government Consumption, Gross Fixed Capital Formation, Inventory Changes, and Net Exports. The GRDP data in this publication uses the base year 2010, and has implemented the 2008 System of National Accounts concept as recommended by the United Nations.
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