Total international air flight departure from Ngurah Rai Airport in September 2016 reached 2,380 units - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tabanan Regency

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Total international air flight departure from Ngurah Rai Airport in September 2016 reached 2,380 units

Release Date : November 1, 2016
File Size : 0.16 MB


  • Total international air flight departure from Ngurah Rai Airport in Moon September 2016 reached 2,380 units low. This amount was recorded 8.07 percent decline compared to the previous month to reach 2,589 units. The condition is in line with the number of international flight passengers in the same period, with a decline of 8.36 percent, from 487 772 people in the Moon in August 2016 be 446 997 people in the month of September 2016. In contrast to the amount of luggage and goods of international air transport are increasing 2.55 percent, from 7622 tons to 7816 tons.
  • For domestic air transport, the number of aircraft departing from Ngurah Rai Airport in Moon September 2016 as many as 3,373 units of low, or down by 3.02 percent compared to the state of the previous month to reach 3,478 units low. This condition is no different with passenger numbers 412 801 people, or down 13.16 percent compared to the previous month to reach 475 352 people. Likewise, the amount of luggage and goods declined by 7.79 per cent, namely from 4,850 tonnes in the month August 2016 became 5.260 tons in Month September 2016.
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