July 2017 Singaraja city inflation 0.10 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tabanan Regency

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July 2017 Singaraja city inflation 0.10 percent

Release Date : August 1, 2017
File Size : 0.36 MB


In July 2017 Kota Singaraja experienced inflation of 0.10 percent, with the Consumer Price Index (CPI) of 136.59. The inflation rate for calendar year (January - July) 2017 is 1.10 percent, and the year-on-year inflation rate (July 2017 to July 2016) is 3.10 percent.

Inflation was marked by an increase in the index that occurred in the food, beverage, cigarette and tobacco group 0.27 percent; Foodstuffs 0.14 percent; Housing, water, electricity, gas and fuel 0.09 percent; Clothing group 0.09 percent; Health group 0.09 percent; Education, recreation and sports 0.01 percent. While the transport, communication and financial services group experienced a decrease in index or deflation by 0.23 percent.
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