Bali Economic Quarter I-2018 Grows 5.68 Percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tabanan Regency

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Bali Economic Quarter I-2018 Grows 5.68 Percent

Release Date : May 7, 2018
File Size : 0.77 MB


Total of Bali's economy in quarter I-2018 as measured by Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) at current prices (ADHB) was recorded at Rp. 56.33 trillion and based on constant price (ADHK) was recorded at Rp. 36.92 trillion.
Bali Economic Quarter I-2018 when compared to quarter I-2017 (y-on-y) grew 5.68 percent or slower when compared with the same period the previous year amounted to 6.24 percent. The highest growth was recorded in the Health Services and Social Business Fields at 9.29 percent. On the expenditure side, LNPRT Consumption and Gross Fixed Capital Formation (PMTB) are high growth components with growth of 12.18 percent and 6.98 percent respectively.
By (q-to-q) or in comparison with the previous quarter, the Bali economy in the first quarter of 2018 grew by 0.09 percent. On the Business side, the highest growth was achieved by Mining and Quarrying at 6.79 percent. In terms of expenditure, the highest growth was achieved by Export and Inventory Changes with growth of 7.62 percent and 2.26 percent respectively.
The economic structure of Bali in quarter I-2018 was still dominated by the Provision of Accommodation and Drinking Storage with a distribution of 23.26 percent followed by Agricultural, Forestry and Fishery Fields of 14.28 percent. While the largest distribution in the first quarter of 2018 from the expenditure component ie Export Component (57.53 percent) followed by household consumption (46.37 percent), while the contribution of the Import Component as a component of reductions was recorded at 44.87 percent.
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