Development of December 2018 Export and Import of Bali Province - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tabanan Regency

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Development of December 2018 Export and Import of Bali Province

Release Date : January 22, 2019
File Size : 0.82 MB


December 2018, the export value of goods from Bali Province sent through several ports in Indonesia was recorded at US $ 55,952,900. This figure has decreased by -8.76 percent compared to the export value in November 2018 (m-to-m) which reached US $ 61,322,825. Meanwhile, the achievements of December 2018 recorded an increase of 18.44 percent from the condition of the same month the previous year (y-on-y) which reached US $ 47,239,632.


Most exports in December 2018 were aimed at the United States (26.27 percent), Japan (12.67 percent), China (11.12 percent), Hong Kong (6.41 percent), and Singapore (5.56 percent) .


The five main commodities exported in December 2018 include fish and shrimp products (36.69 percent), non-knitted apparel products (11.89 percent), wood products, wood products (9.66 percent), jewelry products / gems (7.83 percent), and furniture, home lighting products (5.02 percent).


The cumulative export of goods from the Province of Bali in the period January-December 2018 reached US $ 595,281,597, an increase of 10.95 percent compared to the situation in 2017 (y-on-y) which reached US $ 536,547,921.
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