State of Labor in Bali Province Conditions in August 2019 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tabanan Regency

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State of Labor in Bali Province Conditions in August 2019

State of Labor in Bali Province Conditions in August 2019Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : November 5, 2019
File Size : 0.46 MB


August 2019, the total working age population in Bali Province was recorded at 3,338,767 people (76.99 percent of the total population). Of the working age population, 73.87 percent were registered in the labor force (2,466,230 people) and 26.13 percent (872,537 people) were registered as non-labor force.

The labor force in Bali Province in August 2019 fell by -2.34 percent (59,125 people) compared to August 2018. This is shown by the reduction in the number of working people by -2.50 percent (62,191 people).

The Labor Force Participation Rate (TPAK) in Bali Province in August 2019 was recorded at 73.87 percent, down by -2.91 points compared to August 2018 which was recorded at 76.78 percent.

The Open Unemployment Rate (TPT) in Bali Province in August 2019 was recorded at 1.52 percent, an increase of 0.15 points compared to the TPT in August 2018 which was recorded at 1.37 percent.

There were 1,219,297 formal workers in August 2019 (50.20 percent). Meanwhile, there were 1,209,382 informal workers (49.80 percent). Meanwhile, in August 2018, there were 1,254,577 formal workers (50.37 percent), while informal workers were 1,236,293 (49.63).
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