Development of the Bali Province Farmers Exchange Rate Index in March 2020 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tabanan Regency

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Development of the Bali Province Farmers Exchange Rate Index in March 2020

Release Date : April 1, 2020
File Size : 0.81 MB


The Bali Province NTP Index in March 2020 was recorded to have increased as high as 0.48 percent, from 96.63 in February 2020 to 97.10. In terms of the index received by farmers (It), it was recorded that it rose as high as 0.16 percent, on the other hand, the index paid by farmers (Ib) was recorded to have decreased by -0.32 percent.

In terms of the sub-sector, there were three sub-sectors that experienced an increase in the NTP index, namely the smallholder estate crops sub-sector, the food crops sub-sector and the fisheries sub-sector, with increases as high as 1.64 percent, 1.09 percent and 0.79 percent respectively. Meanwhile, the horticulture and livestock sub-sectors were recorded to have declined by -1.06 percent and -0.19 percent respectively.

The Agricultural Business Exchange Rate Index (NTUP) of Bali Province in March 2020 was recorded at 97.90, an increase of 0.20 percent compared to the previous month which was recorded at 97.70.

In terms of the sub-sector, the highest increase in the NTUP index was recorded in the smallholder plantation sub-sector, namely 1.34 percent, followed by the food crop sub-sector which rose as high as 0.55 percent and the fisheries sub-sector rose as high as 0.47 percent. On the other hand, the NTUP index for the horticultural sub-sector and the livestock sub-sector decreased by -1.19 percent and -0.28 percent respectively.

In March 2020, Bali Province experienced rural deflation of -0.43 percent. On the other hand, national rural inflation was recorded as experiencing inflation, as high as 0.19 percent. The highest inflation was recorded in DI Yogyakarta Province (0.65 percent) and the lowest was in East Nusa Tenggara (0.08 percent). Meanwhile, the deepest deflation was recorded in Bali Province, while the lowest was recorded in Maluku Province and Central Sulawesi Province with -0.04 percent respectively.
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