Development of Exports and Imports of Bali Province in May 2020 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tabanan Regency

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Development of Exports and Imports of Bali Province in May 2020

Release Date : July 1, 2020
File Size : 0.94 MB



In May 2020, the export value of goods from Bali Province abroad was recorded at US $ 25,756,676, down by -2.25 percent when compared to exports in April 2020 (mtm) which were recorded at US $ 26,350,478, and reached the highest point. low in the last four years (2017-2020). On a year-on-year basis (compared to May 2019), Bali's exports in May 2020 also recorded a drop of -56.45 percent. Cumulatively (January-May 2020), Bali's exports were recorded to have decreased by -27.41 percent compared to the January-May 2019 period.

Exports of goods to Taiwan in May 2020 recorded the deepest decline (-46.59 percent), which was dominated by the decline in exports of fish and shrimp products (HS 03). In terms of commodities, the deepest decline was recorded in exports of paper / cardboard products (HS 48), namely as deep as -38.61 percent (m-t-m).


The value of imports of Bali Province goods from abroad in May 2020 was recorded at US $ 2,491,448, down by -54.11 percent compared to April 2020 (m-t-m) which was recorded at US $ 5,429,030. When compared to May 2019 (y-o-y), Bali's imports in May 2020 also recorded a deeper decline, namely as deep as -88.76 percent.

Imports of goods from China on a month-to-month basis recorded the steepest drop (-80.77 percent), which was mainly due to lower imports of leather goods (HS 42). In terms of commodities, imports of optical equipment products (HS 90) recorded the steepest drop (-77.21 percent).
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