Development of Air and Sea Transportation in Bali Province August 2020 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tabanan Regency

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Development of Air and Sea Transportation in Bali Province August 2020

Release Date : October 1, 2020
File Size : 1.14 MB


Air Transport

Amid the government's efforts to restore the transportation sector from the pressure of the Covid-19 pandemic, the development of air transportation both domestically and internationally in Bali Province in August 2020 showed a positive direction.

Data shows that there were 1,134 domestic flights in August 2020, up 73.13 percent month to month. The number of departing passengers was recorded at 83,563 passengers, up 101.62 percent (m-t-m). The destinations of Jkt / Soekarno-Hatta (39,949 passengers) and Surabaya (14,186 passengers) were recorded to dominate domestic flight destinations.

Meanwhile, the number of international flights departing from Bali in August 2020 was recorded as 59 flights, up 55.26 percent compared to July 2020 (m-t-m). However, the number of passengers was 1,158, a decrease of -43.43 percent month to month due to the decrease in passenger departures for Qatar (-63.25 percent), which last month dominated international passenger departures.

Water transportation

The number of ship departures from Bali Province in August 2020 was recorded at 1,532 vessels, up 40.68 percent compared to July 2020 (m-t-m) which recorded 1,089 ships.
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