Bali Poverty Profile September 2021 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tabanan Regency

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Bali Poverty Profile September 2021

Release Date : January 17, 2022
File Size : 4.62 MB


The percentage of poor people in Bali in September 2021 was 4.72 percent, an increase of 0.19 percentage points against March 2021 and an increase of 0.27 percentage points against September 2020.

The number of poor people in Bali in September 2021 was 211.46 thousand people, an increase of 9.49 thousand people compared to March 2021 and an increase of 14.54 thousand people in September 2020.

The percentage of poor people in urban areas in September 2021 was recorded at 4.33 percent, an increase of 0.21 percentage point from the condition in March 2021 which was recorded at 4.12 percent. Meanwhile, the percentage of poor people in rural areas in September 2021 was recorded at 5.68 percent, an increase of 0.16 percentage points when compared to conditions in March 2021 which was recorded at 5.52 percent.

Compared to March 2021, the number of poor people in Bali in September 2021 in urban areas increased by 8 thousand people (from 129.58 thousand people in March 2021 to 137.60 thousand people in September 2021). Meanwhile, in the same period the number of poor Balinese in rural areas increased by 1.5 thousand people (from 72.39 thousand people in March 2021 to 73.86 thousand people in September 2021).

The Poverty Line in Bali in September 2021 was recorded at Rp461,532/capita/month with the composition of the Food Poverty Line of Rp319,095 (69.14 percent) and the Non-Food Poverty Line of Rp142,437 (30.86). percent).

In September 2021, on average, poor households in Bali have 4.74 household members. Thus, the size of the Poverty Line per poor household on average is IDR 2,261,507/poor household/month.
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