Employment Situation of Bali Province August 2022 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tabanan Regency

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Employment Situation of Bali Province August 2022

Employment Situation of Bali Province August 2022Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : November 7, 2022
File Size : 1.64 MB


The labor force in August 2022 was recorded at 2.74 million people, an increase of 158.02 thousand people compared to August 2021. In the same period, LFPR also increased by 3.32 percentage points to 76.86% in August 2022.

In August 2022, the number of working people was 2.61 million people, an increase of 165.22 thousand people compared to the conditions in August 2021. Employment fields that experienced the largest increase were the Accommodation and Food and Drink Provision Sector which increased by 80.92 thousand people. Meanwhile, the sector with the largest decline was the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Sector, which decreased by 16.12 thousand people.

A total of 1.21 million people (46.57%) work in formal activities, an increase of 3.66 percentage points compared to August 2021.

Workers in Bali in August 2022 were still dominated by workers with elementary school education and below with a percentage of 30.98% (807.73 thousand people).

Compared to August 2021, the percentage of underemployed persons fell by 4.60 percentage points to 3.93%, while the percentage of part-time workers was 29.67 percent (down 3.93 percentage points).

The Bali Province Open Unemployment Rate (TPT) in August 2022 was 4.80%, down 0.57 percentage points compared to August 2021. The highest TPT was recorded in Badung Regency at 6.87%.

There were 151.21 thousand people (4.24%) of the working age population affected by COVID-19 in Bali Province in August 2022. Consisting of unemployment due to COVID-19 (7.32 thousand people), became Non-Work Forces (BAK) because COVID-19 (13.56 thousand people), temporarily not working due to COVID-19 (3.78 thousand people), and working residents who experienced a reduction in working hours due to COVID-19 (126.55 thousand people).
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