Development of Farmers Exchange Rates September 2019 Bali Province - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tabanan Regency

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Development of Farmers Exchange Rates September 2019 Bali Province

Release Date : October 1, 2019
File Size : 0.86 MB


The Bali Province Farmers Exchange Rate (NTP) in September 2019 was recorded down as deep as -0.49 percent, from 104.65 in August 2019, to 104.14. In terms of the index received by farmers (It) was recorded down as deep as -0.88 percent while the index paid by farmers (Ib) recorded a shallower decline, namely -0.39 percent.

Judging by the subsector, the decline in the FTT index in September 2019 was recorded in two subsectors, namely in the livestock subsector as deep as -1.68 percent, followed by the smallholder estate crops sub-sector -1.07 percent. While the food crops sub-sector experienced an increase of 1.19 percent, followed by the fisheries and horticulture sub-sector, each by 0.19 percent and 0.13 percent.

In the calculation of the rural consumer price index (inflation) in September 2019, Bali Province recorded deflation as deep as -0.63 percent, in line with national conditions that recorded rural deflation as deep as -0.73 percent.

From 33 provinces observing the calculation of the household consumption index of farmers (rural) in September 2019, there were 26 provinces experiencing deflation and 7 provinces recorded experiencing inflation. The deepest deflation was recorded in West Sumater Province (-1.24 percent) and the shallowerest in North Maluku (-0.12 percent). Meanwhile, the highest inflation was recorded in Gorontalo (1.40 percent) and the lowest in Papua Province (0.01 percent).
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