In November 2019, the Bali Province Farmers Exchange Rate Index (NTP) was recorded to have increased by 0.67 percent, from 103.66 in October 2019 to 104.35. In terms of the index received by farmers (It), it was recorded that it increased by 0.97 percent, while the index paid by farmers (Ib) was recorded to have increased lower, namely 0.30 percent.
The increase in the NTP index in November 2019 was generally derived from the increase in the NTP index for its constituent subsectors, including the horticultural sub-sector index which rose 1.98 percent, food crops 0.47 percent, livestock 0.25 percent and smallholder plantations by 0.10 percent. Meanwhile, the fisheries sub-sector was the only sub-sector to decline, which fell by -0.36 percent.
In calculating the rural consumer price index (inflation), in November 2019, Bali Province was recorded to experience inflation as high as 0.38 percent, in line with the national rural inflation movement, namely 0.29 percent.
Of the 33 provinces observed in November 2019, the farmer household consumption index (rural) was recorded, 24 provinces experienced inflation and 9 provinces recorded deflation. The highest inflation was recorded in North Sulawesi (1.12 percent) and the lowest in West Java (0.04 percent). Meanwhile, the deepest deflation was recorded in Maluku Province (-0.48 percent) and the most superficial in Nanggroe Aceh Darusalam Province (-0.02 percent).