Bali Province Employment Situation February 2021 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tabanan Regency

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Bali Province Employment Situation February 2021

Bali Province Employment Situation February 2021Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : July 2, 2021
File Size : 1.23 MB


The number of the workforce in February 2021 was recorded at 2.57 million people (2,566.43 thousand people), a decrease of 1.49 thousand people compared to August 2020. In line with the decrease in the number of the workforce, the Labor Force Participation Rate (TPAK) also recorded a decrease of - 0.61 percentage point.

In February 2021, the Open Unemployment Rate (TPT) was recorded at 5.42 percent, a decrease of 0.21 percentage points compared to the TPT in August 2020 which was recorded at 5.63 percent, marked by a decrease of 5.36 thousand unemployed people. In terms of education level, TPT for Diploma I/II/III education level is still the highest among other education levels, which is 11.18 percent.

In the period August 2020 - February 2021, employment opportunities that experienced an increase in labor absorption were mainly in Category G (Trade) by 1.60 percentage points; Category H (Transportation and warehousing) by 1.15 percent points; Category A (Agriculture) by 0.73 percent points; and Category R, ​​S, T, U (Other Services) by 0.59 percent points. Meanwhile, employment that experienced a decrease in absorption was mainly in Category C (Processing Industry) by -3.19 percentage points; and Category I (Provision of Accommodation and Food and Drink) by -0.69 percent points.

There were 1.07 million formal workers (43.93 percent) while those who worked in informal activities were 1.36 million people (56.07 percent). During the period August 2020 - February 2021, formal workers increased by 0.63 percentage point.
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