Denpasar city recorded inflation of 0.19 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tabanan Regency

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Denpasar city recorded inflation of 0.19 percent

Release Date : December 15, 2017
File Size : 0.48 MB


In November 2017 in Denpasar City recorded inflation of 0.19 percent with the Consumer Price Index (CPI) of 125.82. The calendar year inflation rate is 2.21 percent. Year-on-year inflation rate (YoY) of 2.91 percent.

Inflation was indicated by an increase in index in the foodstuff category by 1.11 percent and health group by 0.41 percent.

Commodities recorded contributed to inflation in November 2017, among others: rice, onion, chicken meat, tuna parsang, green mustard, and spinach. Commodities recorded declined in price and withstood the inflation rate, among others: air freight rates, watermelons, garlic, pork, and pans.
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